
Showing posts from June, 2019

Ground Beef with Spinach

Put the pot with some cooking oil  on medium heat add chopped onion,  cover the pot and leave  for couple of minutes now add chopped garlic, ginger chopped tomato, chopped spinach salt, pepper and chili powder Cover the pot No water added leave for 20 minutes Now stir and check It has to be not so much watery otherwise leave for more time It is done  Enjoy with Rice / Pasta Make Rolls / Sandwiches

Beef Patties

Take a bowl put some ground beef add chopped onion, chopped garlic and ginger Chopped tomatoes, chopped green bell pepper couple of tea spoons yogurt, some cooking oil Salt, pepper and crushed chili, chopped parsley to give color and flavor. Mix everything well and leave it in the fridge  for overnight or  for sometime to marinate so Patties will be soft if you have no time just leave it Make patties of any shape and size put in glass baking tray, cover with foil Bake for 20 minutes at 450 Now take cover off and bake for 20 more minutes at same temperature It is done now  Enjoy with rice or  bread of your choice Make Rolls / Sandwiches

Macaroni with Veggies

Boil Macaroni with a bit oil and  pinch of salt Take out in a bowl Now take a big pot with some oil  put it on medium flame Add shredded carrot, pieces of Broccoli, Sliced red, green, orange and  yellow  Bell peppers and Chopped tomatoes You can also add precooked  meat slices  or ground beef add salt, pepper and  crushed red chili Now stir fry everything and add the boiled  Broccoli in the pot Stir and mix everything  It is done now enjoy Instead of Broccoli, you can add  precooked Rice / Pasta Or don't add anything just have it separately with Rice / Pasta  Make Rolls / Sandwiches Choices are yours my Dear