
Showing posts from March, 2021

Chicken Roast

  Take chicken legs with cut marks put in big pot add couple of Table spoon of vinegar sprinkle salt add water to dip the chicken Leave for 10 to 15 minutes Drain the water  Take ginger garlic paste in another bowl  add couple of spoon of Tomato ketchup, Chili sauce, Soya sauce, Cooking oil, Lemon juice, Salt and Pepper Mix everything well Dip the chicken legs to marinate Arrange the leg pieces in baking tray Spread Lemon Slices and sliced Ginger Sprinkle oil Cover with foil Bake at 450 for 20 minutes Take cover off  Bake for 10 more minutes It is done Enjoy with Fries /  Garlic Bread / Rice Choices are yours

Fish Patties

  Open fish can  Drain out the liquid Put the content in a Bowl Microwave couple of potatoes Peel and mash Put in the same bowl with fish add salt, pepper. lemon juice, Chopped onion, Chopped Green  and  Red  Bell peppers Mix everything well make patties of any shape any size to stir fry Enjoy with Rice / Bread  of your choice Make Sandwiches / Rolls / Take just as snacks with Salad Choices are yours

Fish Fried

  Take any fish of your choice Cut into big pieces Sprinkle salt, pepper and few drops of Lemon Juice Take a plate with  some  all purpose Flour Put the fish pieces on the plate to get dry coating To make batter Take a bowl with  Corn flour add pinch of Baking soda Mix everything well add water slowly to get  right thickness of batter Not too thick Not too watery  Mix everything well Dip fish pieces into Batter after that put the fish pieces  again on the plate  of all purpose Flour  Flip the pieces to get coating this will make fish crispy  and give color  Heat up oil to fry the Fish Enjoy with Fries and  Sauce of your choice My Friends in Ireland Please make sure not to open the Smile Cafe on closed holidays We have to follow the Directives. It is a must. Thanks

Egg Potato Special Bread

  Take chopped onion, tomatoes,  Red and Green Bell Peppers Put all that in a bowl  add chopped Parsley and Eggs Microwave couple of potatoes peel and mash  add to the bowl Put some cooking oil,  salt, pepper, red chili powder add Plain flour  and water  Mix everything well into paste  not too thick Take a frying pan  Glaze with cooking oil Put it on medium flame Take a big spoon to Put the mixture in the pan Spread like an  Omelet leave to cook on  Medium flame Flip and spread  few drops  of oil to give  color and taste Leave for couple of more minutes to cook the other side It is done Healthy and Tasty  Enjoy with sauce /  Ketchup Choices are yours

Lemon Chicken

  Take a pot with some oil  put it on medium flame add chopped Garlic, Ginger and chicken pieces Higher the flame a bit Stir for couple of minutes add Soya Sauce, Vinegar, Salt, Pepper, Cinnamon and  Yogurt Cover the pot  leave  for 10 minutes Add Lemon slices  Cover and leave for  Five more minutes It is done Enjoy with Rice or  Bread of your choice