Kitchen is a sacred place

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I love to cook and enjoy my time in kitchen. 
I think cooking is combination of arts and science.
So many Faculties are in this area to join hands.

When we enter the kitchen area, first thing our mind 
as well as our heart has to be into it. Recipes come after. 

Kitchen is a playground, where we play with the ingredients 
of our own choice. Kitchen is like a studio, where we try to give
color to our cooking.

Kitchen is a workshop, where we mix various substances to
create new products. Cooking is a process of experimentation,
where we go on changing the ratio and substituting the ingredients
to get something with taste, aroma and color.

Cooking is a very special art, my Dear, don't undermine that. 
It is also like a meditation. I believe Love and Smile,
are the main ingredients, no matter what we cook and
how we cook.

When you enter your kitchen territory, take it like a sacred place.
You have to be there with your complete self and relaxed.


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