Chicken Corn Soup

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Take chicken pieces skin off 
and with cuts
put it in a big pot with lots of water 

Add salt, cut pieces of onion 
Garlic cloves, Ginger pieces,
couple of whole black peppers

Put the pot on full flame to boil
then lower the flame
Leave it for 30 minutes

Take another pot and strain 
the whole thing
to separate the stock

Now take the chicken pieces
out and separate the meat

Throw everything off
put the meat pieces into the pot
with stock and add corn kernels

Put the pot on stove with full flame
let it boil then lower the flame
and leave for 10 minutes

Take two table spoons of corn flour 
in small bowl with water 
mix it well and add in the pot
Keep stirring 

Leave the pot for 5 minutes
on medium flame

Now add few drops of Soya sauce,
chili sauce and vinegar 
Stir to mix everything

It is done, enjoy with Crackers/
Bread Rolls/Garlic bread


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