Mash Potatoes

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Take some potatoes
wash properly 
If potatoes are big
cut into two or four pieces

Microwave for 5 minutes
Don't do it in plastic bag

Use glass bowl put any plate to cover 
the bowl

Peel the potatoes after
a bit cool down

Now put in plastic bag 
use spoon or roller to mash the potatoes

Take a pot with some cooking oil
put it on medium flame
add some chopped onion
Leave for couple of minutes
let the color turn to yellowish

Add some cumin seeds
whole black pepper
one whole red chili 
to give aroma

add chopped tomatoes
to give color

Now add mashed potatoes in the pot
cover the pot for 5 minutes
stir and add cut green chili
chopped parsley 

It will give color / flavor and add taste
Add chopped Green, red, yellow and
orange Bell peppers
It will give color / flavor and add taste
Stir and leave for couple of minutes

It is done now

Make Sandwiches / Rolls 
take it with pasta / rice
or with big salad 


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