Chicken Nuggets


Take ground chicken in a bowl 
add salt, pepper, minced garlic and ginger
Lemon juice few drops, 
Chopped Green Bell peppers,
Corn flour, few drops of cooking oil
Mix everything well

Take another bowl with some white flour
add pinch of salt and some water
Mix well to make a paste
Not so thick, not so watery

Take some bread crumbs 
in a plate

Make Nuggets of any shape / size
of the mixed ground chicken paste

Dip Nuggets in bread crumbs 
to get it coated 

After that dip in white flour Paste 
to get a coating of that too

Stir Fry

It will be crispy, golden
and tasty 

Enjoy with Salad
Ketchup / any
Sauce of your choice


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