Fish with tomatoes

Image result for fish curry dish picture

Take a frying pan with some cooking oil put it on
medium flame. Add chopped onion, leave for
couple of minutes to make it yellow

Now add chopped garlic, chopped ginger, 
chopped tomatoes, salt and pepper 
red chili powder, two table spoon yogurt
add tomato paste to give color to the dish

Cover the pot and leave it on the stove for 10 minutes
Stir and spread pieces of fish in the frying pan

You can take any fish of your choice
cover the pot and leave for 10 minutes
now flip the fish pieces 
cover the pot and leave for 10 minutes
you can sprinkle chopped parsley or
coriander to give color and flavor
cover and leave for 2 minutes

If you want not so juicy
take the cover off and leave for 
couple of more minutes
to simmer 

It is done now
Enjoy with rice, chips or 
with bread of your choice


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